Montgomery, Alabama

White’s Slough Stream Restoration

ALFA Properties
1,500 linear feet
Services Provided

GMC provided the design and construction of a stream restoration and mitigation project in Ida Belle Young Park. The restoration site included over 1,500-linear-feet of impaired stream that was channelized, entrenched, disconnected from the floodplain, and bordered by invasive species. The project consisted of Priority 2 natural channel design restoration techniques.

2,000 Linear Feet

Over 2,000 linear feet of sinuous channel was constructed and over 3 acres of floodplain was cleared and graded. The new channel was constructed to have the correct width-to-depth ratio and bankfull height to allow the stream to reconnect to the surrounding floodplain.

New Connectivity

The new connectivity allows the stream to deposit nutrient and sediment loads on the adjacent floodplain, while dissipating flood flow energy to reduce down cutting and erosion. GMC assembled numerous public and private stakeholders to assist in restoring an additional stream reach on the property using EPA Section 319 funding.



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