Walhalla, South Carolina

Lake Keowee Water Treatment Facility

City of Wahalla
4 million gallons per day

The Walhalla water treatment facility is a 4.0 MGD upflow clarification and self-backwashing multimedia filtration water treatment facility easily high rated to 6.0 MGD. The hydraulic profile was configured to allow for an ozone contactor in the event taste and odor becomes an issue in the future.

GMC completed the Walhalla water treatment plant 24” and 20” raw water and transmission lines project. The transmission lines are comprised of 4,200-linear-feet of 24-inch D.I. water line and 2,560-linear-feet of 20-inch water line. The 20-inch D.I. raw water lines are 3,260-linear-feet and includes a 360 linear feet railroad bore.

The treatment plant consists of chemical feed systems, residuals handling facilities as well as a laboratory and administration building. After water is filtered, a 1.0 MG poured-in-place clearwell provides adequate contact time for disinfection prior to being conveyed to the distribution system with the high service pump station.

Finished water mains, which range in size from 12-inches to 24-inches in diameter, convey water from the proposed treatment plant to the existing water distribution system.



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