GD Copper USA is a 456,000-square-foot manufacturing facility of precise copper tubing. Based in China, Golden Dragon, the world’s largest producer of precise copper tubing, decided to open its first U.S.-facility in Wilcox County to bring themselves closer to raw materials and their products closer to their customers, reducing delivery times from weeks to days.
The precise foundations required that the steel building shell be erected first to protect the foundations from weather and allowed the rest of the project to proceed more smoothly.
GMC was responsible for the building design, site design, surveys, rough grading, infrastructure, site drainage, an industrial wastewater treatment plant, geotechnical engineering and construction materials testing. Environmental services included air permitting, core permitting, ADEM Permitting, wetland delineation, and a hazardous Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan.
This project ultimately created opportunities for 500 jobs in one of the poorest counties in the US.
GMC is one of the most comprehensive multi-disciplined architecture and engineering firms in the Southeast.
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