Columbia County selected GMC to provide the design of a new 1.5 mile alignment roadway through an undeveloped area that allowed an existing portion of Gateway Boulevard to be extended to intersect with Wrightsboro Road in Grovetown, Georgia.
Approximately 0.5 miles of the project was a continuation of the existing four-lane divided highway section, and the remainder of the project transitioned into a three-lane section with a two-way left turn lane. A roundabout was designed at the end of the four-lane divided highway section to accommodate a planned access point for future development.
A signalized intersection at Wrightsboro Road was warranted based on a completed traffic study and required coordination with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). Gateway Boulevard now serves as a primary corridor for a planned mixed-use development in Columbia County. GMC assisted Columbia County Economic Development (CCED) with the development of their original Master Plan for this area and has provided services for CCED and the adjacent property owners on their needs for planning future development and growth.
GMC delivered complete roadway construction plans that included lighting, landscape and irrigation design. Overall project management, geotechnical investigations, traffic studies, and construction administration for the project and delineation on approximately 375 acres was provided by GMC. The delineation was completed to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas during the construction of the Gateway Boulevard extension, as well as to minimize future impacts to these jurisdictional areas from future construction within the development.
GMC is one of the most comprehensive multi-disciplined architecture and engineering firms in the Southeast.
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