Daphne, Alabama

D’Olive Stream Restoration

Mobile Bay National Estuary Program
2,240 linear feet of stream restoration
Services Provided

The D’Olive Stream Restoration reach extends from Interstate 10 to the downstream terminus at Highway 90 in Daphne, Alabama. With an estimated 1,700 tons of sediment per year eroding from the streambanks, the purpose of this project was to address the instability of the creek and reduce sediment loading.

“GMC is an accomplished firm that has served the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program through several projects, including the development of the recently completed Fowl River Watershed Management Plan, development of the Dog River Watershed Management Plan, and two highly significant stream restoration projects in the D’Olive Watershed of Baldwin County, AL…. In a recent D’Olive Restoration Technology Workshop, GMC shared models, tools, and techniques with competitors to enhance capacity and ensure faster, more efficient development of stream restoration design. The working relationship that we have established with GMC provides us peace of mind in a landscape of uncertainty. We look forward to many successful projects and a continued professional relationship with this firm. The MBNEP wholeheartedly endorses GMC.” – Roberta Swann, Director Mobile Bay National Estuary Program
DOlive Sept 2017 web3
Natural Channel Design

GMC’s objectives were to use natural channel design techniques to create a stable, self-sustaining system that could withstand applied shear stresses with minimal erosion and would provide natural habitat for the riparian ecological community while maintaining the functionality of the culverts at I-10.

Stream Data

Reference stream data and historical flow data was used to design the channel with proper dimension, pattern, and profile to handle anticipated flows. In-stream structures and the planting of native vegetation were used to stabilize the channel and banks to further minimize erosion and sediment loading. GMC provided geomorphic assessment, design, construction management, monitoring, and adaptive management services for this project.



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Civic BuildingsMunicipalities
Huntsville, Alabama