Columbia Culture

Columbia - United Way of the Midlands Forest Lake STEAM Career Fest (3)
5 Millbrook citation award
Columbia - United Way of the Midlands Forest Lake STEAM Career Fest (2)

Columbia Projects

GMC was secured by Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission (LCWSC) to evaluate alternatives to incorporate the new surface water treatment plant on Lake Greenwood into their existing distribution system.
The new water treatment plant and raw water intake on Lake Greenwood were awarded in two phases: Phase I consisted of an evaluation to define the design conditions, and Phase II consisted of executing the design. Defining the design conditions in Phase I consisted of population and flow projections, public involvement, permitting, hydraulic analysis as well as piloting of four treatment technologies.
GMC was secured by Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority (GSWSA) to evaluate treatment and/or transmission alternatives to allow the GSWSA Bull Creek service area to meet 2040 demands. The Bull Creek distribution system includes a 45 MGD surface water treatment plant, approximately 9,700,000-linear-feet of transmission and distribution piping, 9 booster pump stations, 4 blend wells, 17 aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells, and approximately 85,900 customer connections.
GMC completed a study (Phase I) for the Horse Creek Pollution Control Facility and a design (Phase II) based on the findings of the study. This process provided a confident course of action for the utility. As a result of the project, the facility now has a primary design capacity of 26 MGD with a peak of 65 MGD and a secondary capacity of 20 MGD with a peak of 40 MGD, utilizing a 20-MG offline equalization basin.
Lakeside Lodge features a four-story resort condo complex with 118 units. The condos are a mixture of studios and one-, two-, and three-bedrooms.
Located in the heart of the University of South Carolina campus, this new facility works alongside the Thompson Student Health Services. The building has already began to set a high bar for student health services.
Columbia Office News