Goodwyn Mills Cawood (GMC) is pleased to congratulate Senior Marketing Associate Stephanie Finley on receiving the 2023 George Goodwyn Building Communities Award.   

The George Goodwyn Community Service Award is given annually to a GMC employee who exemplifies outstanding leadership and a commitment to community service—qualities that GMC believes are of utmost importance.

Stephanie received an overwhelming number of nominations this year, in addition to being nominated every year since joining the marketing team in Greenville, South Carolina. Those nominating her emphasized her unmatched commitment to service, hard work, selflessness, generosity, care for the people around her and so much more. Below are just a few excerpts from her many nominations:

  • Stephanie embodies everything that GMC stands for. She is an advocate for everyone in the office and is someone that I look up to for her fierceness and kind heart. She cares deeply about her work and the people she works with, and it truly feels like she has always been family.
  • Without her leadership, hard work and dedication to GMC, the South Carolina group would not be as expansive and growing as it is today.  Her “Building Communities” attributes are second to none. She is constantly working with high school and college athletes to help enrich not only their lives but the lives of the institutions she helps. I have never come across a person with more drive and determination to better the community we live and work in. She is the model for what this award represents.
  • Stephanie has spent an incredible amount of time working for the community and for those in the office here. Her love and care for the people around her is unmatched. She is willing to go above and beyond anything that is asked of her, working tirelessly to accomplish whatever it is that is needed and taking the extra steps to ensure it’s done well and correctly.

We also want to recognize all of the employees that were nominated by their peers for the award this year: Abby Basinger, Amy Bell, Becky Harris, Brandon Bias, Bryan King, Byron Figaro, Cassie Beckwith, Chris Lunsford, Freddie Lynn, Gary Owen, Hannah Ribelin, Kevin Laird, Kevin Wales, Lee Walters, Mark Coyle, Rhonda Davis, Tyler Morgan and Yann Cowart.

Congratulations to Stephanie on this extremely well-deserved honor!

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