Veterans Day is a national holiday that is celebrated each year to honor those who served in the United States Armed Forces. This Veterans Day, our employees are honoring the Veterans that have impacted their lives by sharing some of their stories:
“My grandfather was a strong personality, but also generous and kind. He was a helicopter pilot operating Hueys and Chinooks for the US Army during the Vietnam and Korean wars. Though he was a leader of people, he also understood the importance of teamwork and brotherhood which I have always admired.”- Jof Mehaffey, Executive Vice President about his grandfather, Lt. Colonel John B. Reese
“My father fought in Vietnam. He flew helicopters transporting our soldiers. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel and has always loved flying and teaching the next generation of pilots. I love that our firm does aviation projects so I can share with him!” – Amy Bell, Vice President Architecture about her father, Lt. Colonel Tom Holer
“I cannot express enough the pride and respect I have for my two sons who both made the personal decision to serve in the military – Ryan first as a student at the United States Air Force Academy and now as a Special Ops pilot, while Phillip enlisted as a “Grunt” Marine. To see and understand the commitment, dedication, perseverance, sacrifice and focus that both of them exhibit in their training, missions and deployments provides me with the inspiration to do something to make every day special and to strive for excellence in everything I do.” – Mickey Jacob, Vice President Architecture, about his sons, Major Ryan Marshall and LCPL Phillip Jacob.
“My dad is and was always full speed ahead when it came to being with his fellow soldiers. He loved the rigor, his units and the reason behind it all. He was aware of the persona of Tankers and that just embedded him further in the love of heavy armor and sending rounds down range. Dad, of course is more than service and the variations of camo throughout the years. Dad is a man of unwavering Christian faith, a man to call on in time of need for prayer. He is a man I need to emulate more of and share his attributes with those around me. I am proud to be Grants’ boy.” – Jason Harper, Engineering, about his father, Grant Harper
“For as long as I’ve known Drew, he has had the rare ability to push people towards a goal without “ruffling their feathers.” He actually wants them to achieve so much that it makes them want to reach that goal, too. He’s just a natural leader – which comes in handy on his “weekend job” as the Company Commander of the 212 Engineering Company. On top of everything, he is also a great Dog Dad!” – Leslie Hood McElhenny, about her husband, CPT Andrew McElhenny
“My grandfather served in World War II and the Korean War. He rarely talked about it, but he wasn’t one to tell his granddaughters ‘no’ when we asked questions. I remember him talking about laying in the foxholes at night and watching for shooting stars. I realize now this was a romanticized version of the reality, knowing he was on the front lines of war. He was small in stature, but the strongest man I’ve known. His humility and humor were unparalleled, and he loved his people fiercely. He was everything I could ever hope to be, and my relationship with him is one of my greatest treasures.” – Abby Basinger, Vice President Communications, about her grandfather, Jim Basinger Sr.
GMC would also like to recognize the veterans on our team: Todd Bloch, Corey Campbell, Clyde Clare, George Goodwyn, Fred Henderson, Donald Jackson, Kevin Loraas, Randy Morris, Bane Nelson, Andy Perry, David Reed, Ed Saxon, Bruce Sharp, Mike Hollebrands and Randall Harvey. Thank you, from all of us at GMC, for your willingness to serve and sacrifice for our freedom.