Project #: CMGM240027

2023 DWSRF Water System Improvements Potable Water Tank (5) Rehabilitations
Owner: Perry County Water Authority
Bid Date: December 5, 2024 2:00 PM
Bid Type: Sealed Bid
Location: Marion,
Contact for Obtaining Bid Documents:

Download the Plan Order form located in the Bid Advertisement below. Complete the form and return via email to with a scanned copy of your plan deposit check. Check should be mailed to the Mobile, AL office of GMC. No credit cards are accepted.

Additional Bid Information:

Utilization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs)

This project is being funded by SRF Project No. FS010358-01 and will require DBE documentation from the low, responsive, responsible bidder no later than 10 days after the bid opening. Prime contractors must solicit DBE subcontractors if they are planning to use subs. DBE solicitations should be documented; preferably with a summary table of DBEs contacted along with the supporting correspondence (email, letter, phone log, etc.) including the response received, if any, from the DBE subcontractor.

Resources for Identifying MBE-WBE (DBE) Subcontractors:

Alabama UCP (

Office of Minority Business Enterprise – ADECA (

SBA - Dynamic Small Business Search

Additional resources can be found on page 7 of the SRF Supplemental General Conditions

Please email if you have any questions.