The South Central VA Wellness Center in El Paso, Texas, was recently awarded a Two Green Globes rating by the Green Building Initiative for resource efficiency and reduction of environmental impacts. A Two Green Globes rating demonstrates excellent progress in achieving reduction environmental impacts and use of environmental efficiency practices.

GMC was the architect for the 33,500 square-foot design-build medical office building, which is the first stand-alone clinic in the area focused on mental health services for veterans living in El Paso, Las Cruces and Juarez. The South Central VA Wellness Center provides services for veterans for general mental health, psychological assessments, various therapy programs, evidence-based psychotherapy, PTSD/depression/anxiety and other disorder programs, and medication evaluation and management.

The center is expected to serve approximately 40,000 veterans in its first year of operation and employ more than 160 professionals including psychiatrists, tele-psychiatrists, psychologists, tele-psychologists, peer specialists, additional therapists, social workers and residents from Texas Tech Health Sciences Center El Paso.

The project was developed by MCA Revere Realty, with Jordan Foster Construction serving as the general contractor.

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