GMC was secured by Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission (LCWSC) to evaluate alternatives to incorporate the new surface water treatment plant on Lake Greenwood into their existing distribution system. LCWSC was purchasing its water from three wholesale suppliers: Laurens Commission of Public Works, the City of Clinton, and Greenville Water. The proposed 4 MGD water treatment plant will replace these wholesale sources by drastically relocating the source of supply.
GMC updated and calibrated the existing hydraulic model for LCWSC to develop an all-pipes hydraulic model. Once complete, GMC modeled LCWSC’s entire distribution system, using both current and future scenarios, to identify and evaluate system improvement scenarios to incorporate the proposed water treatment plant and intake as the source of supply.
Based on the hydraulic analysis performed, multiple improvements to the existing distribution system were developed to supply water from the proposed water treatment plant while minimizing the impact on the existing system.
The performance of the overall system was evaluated for each scenario according to parameters developed with LCWSC staff. Multiple projects were identified for the first phase of distribution improvements, including 11,850 linear-feet of 24-inch raw water line, 45,200 linear-feet of 16-inch PVC and 50,600 linear-feet of 12-inch PVC transmission and distribution lines, two (2) booster pump stations, and a 500,000 gallon elevated water tank.
The results of the modeling were summarized and included in a Preliminary Engineering Report that was used to facilitate funding through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
GMC is one of the most comprehensive multi-disciplined architecture and engineering firms in the Southeast.
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