Over three miles of stream were restored using natural channel design techniques. The newly constructed streams have re-established floodplain connectivity, creating a stable system that can withstand anticipated storm events while experiencing minimal erosion.
The Broadview Mitigation Bank site was previously used for cattle operations. Prior land management activities included channelizing streams, using pesticides and herbicides, and allowing cattle grazing in and around the streams. These activities resulted in impaired stream channels with eroding banks, as well as impaired water quality from livestock waste, sediment loading, and polluted surface runoff.
In addition to the stream restoration, GMC performed exotic species control to enhance the on-site wetlands and riparian buffers. The buffers were planted with native bottomland hardwood trees. These mitigation actions have minimized erosion and sediment loading, enhanced on-site and downstream water quality, and restored the natural ecological functions of the wetland and stream systems. Additionally, all cattle and agriculture operations within the bank boundary were discontinued.
GMC is one of the most comprehensive multi-disciplined architecture and engineering firms in the Southeast.
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